SMS & EMAIL Services

Enhance your guest experience with the marketing solutions that are integrated with our hotel management systems.

Boost your customer experience to the top.

Tesisinizde rezervasyon yapan misafirlerinizle, rezervasyon anından konaklama sonrasına dek iletişimde olun ve kendilerini değerli hissettirin.

SMS & EMAIL Services

Enhance your guest experience with the marketing solutions that are integrated with our hotel management systems.

Boost your customer experience to the top.

Communicate with your guests from reservation to the post-checkout. Get reviews and listen to their thoughts about the accommodation. Survey your guests and improve your business.

SMS & EMAIL Services

Enhance your guest experience with the marketing solutions that are integrated with our hotel management systems.

Boost your customer experience to the top.

Communicate with your guests from reservation to the post-checkout. Get reviews and listen to their thoughts about the accommodation. Survey your guests and improve your business.

Make guests feel welcome at your hotel.

Send SMS and email notifications for reservations and make your guests feel welcome. Create reservation reminders and minimize no-shows. Contact your guests from the very first moment and be available all the time. Get feedback from customers and boost your service quality.

Make guests feel welcome at your hotel.

Send SMS and email notifications for reservations and make your guests feel welcome. Create reservation reminders and minimize no-shows. Contact your guests from the very first moment and be available all the time. Get feedback from customers and boost your service quality.

Flexible Content

Send newsletters, campaign notifications or reminders. Customize your content according to your needs.

Easy-to-Use Interface

Create your content and mailing list with ease and reach your customers

Detailed Reports

Transfer your guest information to the system and analyze the delivery details.

Customizable Lists

Identify who would like to unsubscribe and remove them from your delivery list.

Performance Tracking

Check your delivery reports and open rates. Analyze the most popular deliveries and enhance your content.

Reliable Infrastructure

Provide non-stop SMS and e-mail service with the strong and reliable infrastructure.

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